Waldorf Communications aims to help promote interest in and awareness of anthroposophy through film, translations and projects.
SubSoli Films makes films about anthroposophical work fields.
Waldorf Translations translates (educational) books inspired by and developed from the anthroposophical philosophy.


The Children’s Therapeutic Centre

The Children’s Therapeutic Centre in Zeist specialises in forming a broad perception of a child’s situation.
This film takes you on a journey through the practice of multidisciplinary diagnostics through
following three children on their visits to the paediatrician and various therapists, as well as parts of the child conference in the children’s absence.

Triptych Wet-on-Wet Painting

This short series provides insight into WHAT wet-on-wet painting is, HOW it is done and WHY it is such an important part of Steiner/Waldorf education. It also intends to awaken the viewer’s interest in reading and watching more of what is already available on the subject and thus contribute to a greater understanding of what Steiner/Waldorf education is about.

The Bowl

Madeleine enjoys working at pottery Feniks. Feniks is one of residential/working community Scorlewald’s workshops. In this filmed portrait, Madeleine creates a bowl in a mould. She was born with half a left arm and can still make beautiful bowls this way..

The Vase

Marcel loves to create the same vase every day. He is incredibly good at building the most beautiful vases from clay rings and works very precisely and carefully. In this short film you can see him create one of his vases in a day, a fascinating process to watch.
Marcel enjoys working at pottery Feniks. Feniks is a workshop of residential/working community Scorlewald, a community for people with mental and multiple challenges.

The Cutting Board

Beautiful sustainable cutting boards are made in three adjacent workshops. You are taken through the process of creating a cutting board step by step. It is evident that both skilled and less skilled people are working together to make a quality product!
The Instrument Making workshop is part of the Scorlewald residential/work community for people with mental or multiple challenges.

The Runner

We are witness to the extremely precise and intricate process of making a linen runner at the Weavery. Each step requires supreme concentration. People are working individually as well as together. We see them enjoying their work and hear them proudly telling us about what they are doing.
The Weavery is part of the Scorlewald residential/working community for people with mental and multiple challenges.

Environmental Care

An environment that is cared for and given attention contributes to our well-being. Environmental Care is part of the six core values of social therapy, which were developed through the anthroposophical philosophy and are implemented at Scorlewald, among other places. The other five core values are:

  • Community Building
  • Respect and Equality
  • Rhythm and Rituals
  • Work and Professional Development
  • Development-oriented Guidance

Scorlewald is a residential/working community for people with intellectual and multiple challenges.

Rhythm and Rituals

Rhythm and rituals give us support as well as stability. And through implementing them we are involved with each other.
Rhythm and Rituals is part of the six core values of social therapy, which were developed through the anthroposophical philosophy and are implemented at Scorlewald, among other places.. The other five core values are:

  • Community Building
  • Respect and Equality
  • Environmental Care
  • Work and Professional Development
  • Development-oriented Guidance

Scorlewald is a residential/working community for people with intellectual and multiple challenges.

Work and Professional Development

Learning a profession that suits you and doing work that is useful is wonderful. And it enables you to make a contribution to the world around you as well. Work and Professional Development is part of the six core values of social therapy, which were developed through the anthroposophical philosophy and are implemented at Scorlewald, among other places. The other five core values are:

  • Community Building
  • Respect and Equality
  • Environmental Care
  • Rhythm and Rituals
  • Development-oriented Guidance

Scorlewald is a residential/working community for people with intellectual and multiple challenges.

Development-oriented Guidance

When we are able to focus on subtle signals, abilities and talents can produce surprising results!
Development-oriented Guidance is part of the six core values of social therapy, which were developed through the anthroposophical philosophy and are implemented at Scorlewald, among other places. The other five core values are:

  • Community Building
  • Respect and Equality
  • Environmental Care
  • Rhythm and Rituals
  • Work and Professional Development

Scorlewald is a residential/working community for people with intellectual and multiple challenges.

Community Building

When you live and work in a community, you can be meaningful to others and learn to connect with each other. Community building is part of the six core values of social therapy, which were developed through the anthroposophical philosophy and are implemented at Scorlewald, among other places. The other five core values are:

  • Respect and Equality
  • Environmental Care
  • Rhythm and Rituals
  • Developmental Guidance
  • Work and Professional Development

Scorlewald is a residential/working community for people with intellectual and multiple challenges.

Respect and Equality

When you start from the premise that all people are equal and can learn from each other, it influences your approach to a person with a need for help.
Respect and Equality is part of the six core values of social therapy, which were developed through the anthroposophical philosophy and are implemented at Scorlewald, among other places. The other five core values are:

  • Community Building
  • Work and Professional Development
  • Environmental Care
  • Rhythm and Rituals
  • Development-oriented Guidance

Scorlewald is a residential/working community for people with intellectual and multiple challenges.

Trailer ‘We Are Scorlewald’

An impression of the 40-minute documentary We are Scorlewald, in which we meander through the year along with Jos, a Scorlewald resident, and experience the seasons as well as the core values of social therapy.

Documentary ‘We Are Scorlewald’

This documentary shows how residential/working community Scorlewald lives through the seasons. Made in honour of Scorlewald’s 50th anniversary, the film takes us through the year, with Jos, one of the residents. He takes us through the seasons and helps us experience the core values of social therapy.

Translations (from Dutch to English)

Commissioned by Mercurius International: Chalkboard Drawing

Commissioned by Mercurius International: Game Fan

More translations:

  • For Wilfried Nauta: Organic Design and Jugenstil
  • For Artes Foundation: Texts and descriptions of work by affiliated artists
  • Translations for various artists of information about their work
  • For Waldorf Toys: all English-language texts, newsletters, etc.
  • For Waldorfshop: brochures in Dutch and English
  • For Seizoener:
    • The Choleric Child
    • The Sanguin Child
    • The Phlegmatic Child
    • Development of a Child during the First Seven Years
  • The book Zonnekind Dolls has been translated but has not yet been published.


Managing the development process and creation of the book Zonnekindpoppen

About me

When I was a toddler, I attended the Steiner/Waldorf Kindergarten in Amsterdam, where I was asked to be Mary in the Christmas play. That made a big emotional impression on me. Then I went into mainstream education and moved to England at 17, where I joined an anthroposophical community and eventually went to work at a Camphill institute. I read my first book by Steiner and recognised much of my inner world in it.

When it came time to choose a school for my first daughter, I strongly felt that the Waldorf/Steiner School should be my choice for her.
Some years later (together with my current partner) our son was born with a mental challenge and we made the choice for anthroposophical care.
Our youngest daughter also completed the entire Steiner/Waldorf educational process.
After around three decades of active motherhood, our youngest went to college and I pondered on what really moved me besides motherhood and where I could make a contribution.

My frustration with the rather poor or one-sided image of anthroposophy, in addition to being actively involved in the making of my eldest daughter’s documentary about her brother, drove me towards wanting to make films about anthroposophical fields of work.

Mainly to spark interest in anthroposophy and consequently place references to more in-depth information.

As a mother, I would have liked to briefly and concisely learn more about what is behind the educational processes of Steiner/Waldorf education. For instance regarding wet-on-wet painting, which can look like simply mixing colours together, but which has a clear educational plan behind it.
I decided to make a triptych with short answers to the questions ‘What, How, and Why?
And because I wanted to do justice to the beauty of the working processes, I opted for a professional crew.
After the Triptych Wet-in-Wet Painting came commissions from Scorlewald, an institute for mentally challenged people, to depict the work processes of some of the products made at their workshops, and then a commission to portray the six core values of social therapy as well as a documentary in honour of Scorlewald’s 50th anniversary.

My most recently completed project The Children’s Therapeutic Centre for Multidisciplinary Diagnostics was commissioned by the Dutch Association of Anthroposophical Physicians. I also ran an international web shop, Waldorf Toys, for many years and completed a number of translation assignments for Mercurius International, supplier of Waldorf schools worldwide.


Waldorf Communications | SubSoli Films
Tanja Markies
Smeemanlaan 15
1861 SK Bergen NH
CoC Alkmaar 61193038
VAT NL001531592B27